Blog | Exyn Technologies

ExynAI GPS Integration for Reliability and Accuracy

Written by Exyn Technologies | Sep 23, 2024 2:15:00 AM

At Exyn, our mission has always been to create a fully autonomous platform that could map and survey in any environment without relying on a prior map, GPS infrastructure, or a pilot in-the-loop. Through hard work and technological innovation, we’ve delivered on that goal and now offer the highest level of commercial autonomy available with our Nexys system – Autonomy Level 4B.

However, not all autonomous flights take place deep underground where a GPS signal is impossible to find. Some of our customers are interested in exploring flights above ground to inspect ongoing construction projects or critical industrial infrastructure, among other uses. In these environments, using GPS to bolster autonomous flight is a benefit. Which is why, when GPS signals are available, Nexys will soon be capable of using a live GPS signal to increase the reliability of autonomous flight outdoors (contact us to learn more and stay up to date). 

But that's not all, ExynAI can currently use GPS data to further constrain high-density 3D models captured by Nexys into a global coordinate frame. This means correcting for any accumulated drift, and accurately merging 3D models with satellite or GPS/RTK data.

Enabling Zero Drift With GPS Data

Navigation is only part of autonomous mapping accuracy. The other critical component is matching the system’s internal 3D map with existing real-world GPS coordinates.

With the Nexys system now collecting and processing GPS data, satellite imagery, and other assets can be accurately aligned with digital 3D models created during the surveying process. Our new GPS integration drastically improves the workflow in the geospatial sector or construction industry where 3D models need to perfectly align with global coordinate frames.

Integrating Nexys point cloud data with GPS satellite imagery

Using the same tablet that shows real-time point cloud data, operators can quickly post-process captured high-density 3D models with options to clean, subsample and geo-reference into a known coordinate frame such as a precise GPS dataset. This reduces wasted hours of processing time back at the office before you know if the job is done, and ensures that all data captured is accurate and tied into an existing workflow. 

Building On Our GCP Innovations

Standard ground control points (GCPs) are often used in digital surveying to improve accuracy. Our specially designed retro-reflective GCPs combined with our ExynAI algorithms provide real-time drift and accuracy correction that no other digital mapping system offers.

Now with seamless real-time or post-processing GPS integration, those accuracy improvements are even greater. Thanks to improved robustness in our online and offline SLAM algorithms, ExynAI can now use GPS to help reduce accumulated drift captured during the course of a long mobile scan. This is helpful for survey teams monitoring underground shafts and entry points where GPS data can be useful to maintain global accuracy for monitoring for potential changes or hazards. 

This is all part of our mission to constantly improve LiDAR SLAM technology and reach our goal of Zero-Drift digital mapping in any surveying environment.

Integrating Nexys point cloud data with satellite imagery

The Future of Online SLAM With GPS Integration

We’ve all used GPS when driving in a new city or when we’re heading to a destination we’ve never been to before. When you’re driving in a new city, you likely use the GPS as much as you can. But when you get close to your destination or the GPS instructions are too vague, you have to switch to using your own eyes and judgment to navigate.

Switching between the GPS and your own internal navigation instincts makes for the safest and most efficient route possible. You’re also able to deal with any unexpected route changes along the way.

Our GPS integration with ExynAI is based on a similar concept, one that we sometimes refer to as Super SLAM. While not currently available today, but will be for customers soon, Nexys will be able to seamlessly switch between GPS and its internal vision or inertial measuring unit (IMU) depending on signal strength and the environment. The Nexys algorithms are constantly looking at all navigational data streams and deciding which is best based on availability and accuracy.

For example, our autonomous Nexys system can be exploring an underground mine where there’s no GPS signal. For that section of the survey, the Nexys system will rely on its fully autonomous LiDAR SLAM vision system and IMU capabilities.

If a portion of the surveying route emerges above ground, the Nexys system will detect a GPS signal and start incorporating that into its onboard decision-making process and 3D modeling.

Nexys can also decide to use GPS if an area being surveyed lacks the clearly defined physical features necessary to build an accurate 3D map in post-processing. When surveying these feature-sparse environments, the Nexys system will incorporate GPS data to correct any inaccuracies. 

This constant internal decision-making to use the best available navigation data provides maximum surveying and mapping flexibility in a wider variety of complex scenarios.

Experience The Power of Nexys GPS Integration

Our Nexys GPS integration gives you the accuracy to use cost-effective digital mapping in virtually any situation or environment.

The unparalleled flexibility adds speed and efficiency to your workflow while reducing costs and increasing operator safety.

Book your personalized demo of Nexys today to see why our latest innovations are changing what’s possible with digital mapping.